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If you choose to pay with cryptocurrencies when buying shares through the Aktionariat Brokerbot, you will need to have a cryptocurrency wallet with the necessary amount of funds in it.
Please make sure that you have already installed and finished setting up the Aktionariat app, which creates a wallet automatically for you during its initial launch. Please refer to the “Setting Up Your Wallet” tutorial if you haven’t already done so.
This guide will walk you through the steps of transferring Ether (ETH) to your wallet. SwissShore AG Shares (SSAS) can be bought using ETH or CryptoFrancs (XCHF). The types of accepted cryptocurrencies may differ by the company selling its shares, but the process to transfer them to your wallet before a purchase is identical.
There are 3 ways to have an account in the Aktionariat App that has the necessary funds to purchase shares:
If you already have some funds on an exchange or another cryptocurrency wallet like MetaMask or Ledger, you can easily transfer them to your wallet created by the Aktionariat App.
You will simply need to take note of your Aktionariat app wallet address and specify it as the recipient when sending a transfer. Your wallet address is not an information that needs to be kept secret. It can be entered into websites or wallets that will initiate transfers to it. Your wallet address looks something like this:
If you are transferring funds from a centralized exchange, such as Binance:
It may take a couple of minutes until your transaction is sent by the exchange and confirmed by the network. Afterwards, you should see the received funds in your Aktionariat app automatically.
If you are transferring funds from another wallet, such as MetaMask
It may take a couple of minutes until your transaction is confirmed by the network. Afterwards, you should see the received funds in your Aktionariat app automatically.
Although the Aktionariat app creates an initial wallet address for you, it also supports importing, tracking and using multiple Ethereum addresses. If you only want to track positions on an address, it is enough to import it just by its public address, without entering your private keys. However, if you want to sign transactions from that address (such as when making share purchases), you will need to import the address by its “Secret Recovery Phrase” or by its “Private Key”.
If you don’t know how to get your private key, check the documentation of your existing wallet to find out how it can be exported. In MetaMask, it is done by clicking on “Export Private Key” under the Account Details menu.
Please note that your Secret Recovery Phrase or Private Key should always remain secret. Never share it with anyone. Don’t copy/paste it into an e-mail and send it to yourself. An attacker who could gain access to your e-mails could then compromise your Ethereum wallet.
The keys that you enter into the Aktionariat app are stored securely on it and never leave your device.
Go to the Connect tab of the Aktionariat app and tap on “Import an Address”. Type in your phrase or your private key, give a name to your wallet and tap “Import”.
You should be able to see your new address under “All Ethereum Addresses” immediately.
Don’t worry if you don’t immediately see all your assets on the newly imported address in your portfolio. It can take a couple of minutes until our servers scan your address for new positions and add them to your portfolio.
Now you can select your imported address with the funds on it when connecting to our Brokerbot and use it to make purchases.
Please first note that, when buying ETH inside our application, you are interacting directly with Only can help you with your inquiries about your order and its processing status.
Only ETH purchases up to 1’000 CHF at a time can be made, because of legal constraints.
In case you have additional questions or a support request, please directly get in touch with support, using the link provided in the Order Details screen. SwissShore has no way of helping you with your order.
Once you have some funds in your Aktionariat app wallet, you are ready to connect to our Brokerbot and purchase shares directly using cryptocurrencies with instant settlements.
The process is also similar, even if you are transferring any other currency than ETH, such as a stablecoin. Nothing should go wrong, as long as your recipient address is entered correctly when making the transfer.
Please note that, even if you choose to pay with a stablecoin like XCHF, you will still need to have some ETH in your wallet to pay for the Ethereum network transaction costs.
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[Grüezi = "Greetings" in SwissGerman]